Mead only competition held in Roanoke, Virginia
Tag: BJCP Sanctioned
Competitions sanctioned by the Beer Judge Certification Program.
Valkyries Horn Mead Competition
Premier mead competition organized by experienced enthusiasts. Second largest mead only competition in the world.
- Educational events (panel discussion – Friday, traditional mead tasting with source honey – Saturday)
- Bottle share
- Live awards
Hotel block and private party room for sharing.
Southern New England Regional Homebrew Competition
The Southern New England Regional Homebrew Competition organized by The Underground Brewers of Connecticut, Armada Brewing, 190 River St, New Haven, CT 06513
New England Regional Homebrew Competition
NERHBC is back for 2023
This competition is a Master Championship of Amateur Brewing (MCAB) Qualifying Event.
This competition is AHA sanctioned and open to any amateur homebrewer age 21 or older.
Chili Pepper Extravaganza 2023
A homebrew competition focusing exclusively on beers, ciders, and meads that incorporate chili peppers.